A space for connection, support and to re-store the YOU that you aim to be.

You are the person who can sense when something is “off” because you tend to pay attention to all the things that are unsaid - the things that others don’t seem to pick up on. You become the go-to person in solving problems and have lent your hand, your ear, or a shoulder to be relied on.

Your strength of caring and helping others is something that you are good at, even though you can feel burned out from it. And when this happens you wonder “Why can’t I get the same support back in return?”.

You may even think that if you were given the same encouragement "How would my life would be different from where I am now?" Feeling stuck can make you feel defeated as this is not what you imagined your life to be.

Being the “strong one” may have worked in the past, as you kept pushing yourself while keeping everything inside.

As you look back, you may struggle with anger or shame because you are not able to mask this in the same way that you used to. There may also be resentment and tension because people around you can seem so insensitive, not stepping up, or even doing things that is making the situation worse.

You may be good at figuring out how to stay afloat on your own. But it does not seem to last because the next thing that happens, outside of your control, knocks you back off again. And here you are feeling held back from the pressures of problems stacking up against you.

You want to be able to rest, feel peace and have more moments of feeling like the REAL YOU. You want to be seen, heard and to know that you matter.

And most of all to be reminded that IT IS OKAY if you need a hand, ear or shoulder to use and not be judged for being unreasonable for having your own needs.

Therapy can be another action or tool that you can use when trying to tackle problems. It can be added with the other things that are working for you. Therapy can also be a sturdy foundation and to support you when you are ready to say the things that you typically keep inside. It may feel unnatural with the role reversal of sharing your thoughts and feelings and you will realize that you also deserve the same relief as you are good at doing this for others.

Vivian Ryu, LCSW

P.O. Box 3822, Sierra Vista, AZ 85636

(520) 559-4976 - Office Number

(520) 350-9534 - Fax Number